
Menampilkan postingan dari Juli, 2024


Sumber gambar: Ditulis oleh Ambar Dahulu kala, hiduplah sebuah batu yang selalu merasa hidupnya tidak berguna. Ia selalu dikatakan keras seperti besi. Oleh karena itu, tidak akan ada seorang pun yang menyukainya. Sebaliknya, mereka marah dengan keberadaannya setiap hari. Karena alasan itu, batu itu sedih. Ia merasa bahwa semua yang dikatakan orang-orang itu benar adanya. Suatu kali, ia melihat jauh ke dalam jiwanya, dan ia menemukan bahwa dirinya sebenarnya kasar, besar, dan kelabu. Bayangan itu tentu saja tidak membuat batu itu senang. Ia hampir tidak tahu alasan mengapa orang-orang tidak ingin berada di dekatnya. Satu-satunya makhluk yang bisa mendekatinya hanyalah koloni lumut. Namun, lumut bukanlah teman. Mereka secara diam-diam memangsa batu itu dengan menyamarkan diri mereka dalam gerakan yang lembut dan penuh kasih sayang. Namun, mereka tetap saja kejam. Selain itu, batu itu juga dianggap sebagai penghalang. Suatu hari, seoran...

A Tale of A Stone (English Version)

Source of the picture: Written by Ambar A long time ago, there lived a stone who always felt his life was useless. He had always been told that he was hard like iron. So that, no one would ever like him. Instead, they were mad at his existence every single day. Because of that reason, the stone was sad. He felt that all of what people said was totally true. Once, he looked deep into his soul, and he found that he was really harsh, big, and gray. That reflection did not make the stone happy, of course. He barely knew the reason why people did not want to be near him. The only creature that could get closer to him was just a colony of mosses. However, Mosses were not friends. They secretly and silently preyed on the stone by disguising themselves in a soft and tender move. Yet, they were still cutthroat. Moreover, the stone was considered an obstacle. One day, a salt trader from the closest village wanted to go to the city. He met the ...

🌊The Boy Whose Heart is an Ocean 🌊

 πŸŒŠThe Boy Whose Heart is an Ocean 🌊 Written by Ambar Once upon a time, there lived a boy who always thought he was not special. He ran his life just totally regular. He woke up in the morning, went to work and slept in the tiring evening. One day, he met a cursed girl on his way to the job. She looked ugly, sad and creepy at the same time. At first, he just tried to ignore the girl because he was super late for work. However, this girl just followed every step he took  as if he were her mom. After a few minutes, the boy decided to stop and turned around.  "Excuse me, Miss. Can I help you?" asked the boy. He was really meant to help this pathetic girl. "I'm sunk," answered the girl. The boy frowned, and did not get what was going on with the word 'sunk'. "I am sunk. I need help. I cannot breathe." The girl tried to explain more. But still, the boy did not get it. There was no water at all. They were in the middle of the shady road full of oxyg...