A Tale of A Stone (English Version)

Source of the picture: https://id.pinterest.com/pin/846606429954374964/

Written by Ambar

A long time ago, there lived a stone who always felt his life was useless. He had always been told that he was hard like iron. So that, no one would ever like him. Instead, they were mad at his existence every single day.

Because of that reason, the stone was sad. He felt that all of what people said was totally true. Once, he looked deep into his soul, and he found that he was really harsh, big, and gray. That reflection did not make the stone happy, of course. He barely knew the reason why people did not want to be near him.

The only creature that could get closer to him was just a colony of mosses. However, Mosses were not friends. They secretly and silently preyed on the stone by disguising themselves in a soft and tender move. Yet, they were still cutthroat.

Moreover, the stone was considered an obstacle. One day, a salt trader from the closest village wanted to go to the city. He met the stone who was right in the middle of his road toward the city. 

"Get on my way!" the seller asked.

The stone shook because of the seller's high voice. He tried his very best to move himself. But he failed. 

"I'm sorry, but I cannot move. I have a very big body," answered the stone.

"What such a bad life. You have blocked my way. Your life just causes others to suffer." The seller turned around and left the stone alone. By accompanying himself, the stone cried a lot.

The next day, many people came to the stone's place. The stone was happy at first. He thought that maybe people had changed and they wanted to accept the stone as their company. However, it was not going that way. The villagers arrived with their axes and crowbars. They hit the stone with no mercy. Firstly, the villagers successfully broke the stone's surface. But their madness could not defeat the stone's toughness. In the end, they were exhausted and gave up. They went home, carrying the stone's flakes with them. 

The stone was so depressed by the hatred once again.

"Oh God, am I that bad? Why do you create me, God? Why?" He questioned his existence.

There was no answer. Not the next day.

A few months later, a villager came. The stone was not happy this time. He had prepared for the worst. 

"Oh Stone, I am going to say thank you. Your flakes have given me a very sturdy foundation for my home. Without your flakes, maybe my home could not stand as strong as it is today," said the villager.

The stone was really surprised.

"I know what my people and I did to you was bad. But, can you forgive us? I'm sorry, we never see the goods in you," the villager regretted.

The stone stood in silence. He could not believe what he just heard. The other half of himself wanted to attack the villager for what he had done. But on the other half, his heart was warm. He finally could feel not to live a useless life. Because of that, he decided to forgive the villager and his people. They finally became friends.

"Oh Stone. Thank you. Your heart is just as big as your body. You are hard, but that what makes you strong and able to protect other people. One more, I'll show you something." The villager walked closer and stepped on the stone.

"You are not an obstacle. You are the place where people can step on and jump to a higher level of their lives. You are the one who makes people see the world higher than before," explained the villager.

The stone cried in happy tears. 
At that time, he knew his life was useful and meaningful. It was beautiful in its own way.




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